Top 10 money tips for new parents

newparentsdTop 10 money tips for new parents


1. Embrace the hand-me-down
Yes, you want to bring your baby home in something sparkling new. After that, though, think secondhand. Anything – clothing, furniture, bikes – you are handed down is money you won’t have to spend. Plus, keep in mind that even if you give your child something brand-new, he’ll have it broken in within a couple of days. (more…)

10 Money Saving Tips for New Parents

parent10 Money Saving Tips for New Parents


It’s no secret that raising a child costs a lot of money and for new parents, these new expenses can be overwhelming. If you’re in a crunch, there are some things you can do to help manage these costs:

1. Don’t be afraid to ask friends or relatives for hand me down clothing or baby gear. And, if you already have a child, be sure to save her things for the next baby. (more…)

12 Money Saving Tips For Parents

parentsaving12 Money Saving Tips For Parents


Becoming a parent is such a life changing experience that explaining this reality to friends without children is nearly impossible. Unfortunately, one particular area that many new parents seem to struggle with is money management. Having kids certainly adds to your monthly budget and being able to keep the checkbook balanced and in the positive can be a constant challenge. Here are some basic — but often overlooked — money saving tips that just might help your bottom line: (more…)

15 Money-Saving Tips for Parents. How to replace your expensive habits with cheap ones.

tips_for_parents15 Money-Saving Tips for Parents. How to replace your expensive habits with cheap ones.


As every paper and website you’ve read this morning has no doubt reminded you, times are tough. We wish we had a get-rich-quick scheme that would pay off your entire mortgage – but failing that, here’s a list of easy substitutions that will help your family save a buck here and there. There’s even a silver lining: many of these money-saving substitutions are better for your health and the environment. Here’s to better and cheaper habits. (more…)

Money Saving Tips for Parents

images (59)Parents’ Money Saving Tips


What better way to find out how families can save money than getting tips straight from the horse’s mouth?

We asked over 5,000 families (through a YouGov survey) how they were coping with the tougher economic climate. Some said they had to tighten their belts, others said it was nothing new – they’d always struggled financially and probably always will.

These are the things parents told us they are doing to save money … (more…)

Money Saving Ideas for Parents

download (7)Money Saving Ideas for Parents


Every penny counts when you have a family to take care of. So whether it’s pregnancy costs or pricey baby gear that’s getting you flustered about your finances, here’s the good news: Saving money can be surprisingly simple. Read on to pick up smart-savings strategies from WTE members who’ve got budgeting down to a science. (more…)