Money Saving Ideas For Restaurants
Saving money has to be at the top of everyone’s todo list! And when you’re running a business, it’s especially important to run as efficiently as possible and save costs wherever you can so that you can maximize profits. However when you’re trying to please customers and employees a like, sometimes it’s hard to find ways to cut costs. Therefore I asked around the ShiftNote team, all of whom worked in the industry at some point in their lives, for money saving ideas for restaurants. I think we came up with a pretty helpful list!
Cross Train Your Employees
Cross training is a great way to not only save money, but help create happier employees. Cross training is the practice of teaching an employee to work more than one position within your business. For example, teaching a server to also host, or a busser to cook pizzas. This will give the management more flexibility when scheduling workers, and help employees overcome boredom and gain new skills. (more…)