15 Ways to Save Money When You're Shopping

shoppingsaving15 Ways to Save Money When You’re Shopping




Source: http://teenadvice.about.com/od/entertainment/a/ways_to_save_money_when_youre_shopping.htm


There’s the stuff you need. Then there’s the stuff you want. And then there’s the stuff you didn’t even know you wanted, but you’re out killing time at the mall with your friends, and now you’re surrounded by cool-looking stuff and you’re in grave danger of blowing your monthly budget on something you could probably live without. Put your credit card back in its holster, folks. I’m here to help. (more…)

7 Shopping Tips to Save Money AND Time

save-time-shopping-tablet7 Shopping Tips to Save Money AND Time

Source: http://smallnotebook.org/2008/09/08/7-shopping-tips-to-save-money-and-time/

Trying to save money when shopping often means spending a lot of time instead. If you don’t like to shop or if you don’t have time to go from store to store, here are seven ways to shop thrifty without spending all your time.

1. Shop with a list. Obvious? Yes, but it’s still true. Making your list ahead of time helps prevent guesswork and trips back to the store for something you forgot. If you keep to the list, you can avoid making impulsive buys. (more…)

5 Money-Saving Shopping Tips

savingshop5 Money-Saving Shopping Tips

Source: http://www.investopedia.com/articles/pf/07/five-saving-tips.asp

Have you already squeezed every last penny out of your budget? Maybe not. Thanks to free market capitalism, we can choose from a wide variety of products at a wide variety of prices pretty much any time we want to buy something. Unlike investing, saving money on purchases doesn’t require any specialized training and is an easy way for anyone to stretch their budget a little farther.

No matter what your income level, you can give yourself more breathing room by becoming a savvy shopper. Here are five tips to help you get started. (more…)

30 Money-saving Shopping Tips

images (84)30 Money-saving Shopping Tips

Source: http://www.channel4.com/4homes/design-decorate/buyer-s-guides/30-ways-to-save-money-while-you-shop-08-10-06

Is the credit crunch forcing you to tighten your belt? Here’s how to shop wisely and save a packet.

1 Go Downmarket
Me, shop for my bathroom at a plumber’s warehouse? Well, yes, if you want to save money… Don’t be afraid to brazen it out and swap shiny, trendy shops for basic warehouses or DIY sheds – you’ll find much the same stuff there, but at much lower prices. (more…)

Money Saving Tips on Shopping

download (7)10 Ways to Save While You Shop


Find free stuff

Websites like Freebie-Depot.com, Mrfreestuff.com and Shop4Freebies.com offer samples of products and online coupons and rebates. (more…)