10 Easy Ways for Students to Save Money

studentsaving10 Easy Ways for Students to Save Money

Source: http://businessmajors.about.com/od/studentfinances/a/SaveMoney.htm

While you are in school, and maybe even right after you graduate, you are going to be on a tight budget. Looking for little ways that you can save money will prove to be very important during your school years and beyond. To help you out, here are 10 easy ways for students to save money: (more…)

How I Save Money on a Low Income

smallincomesavingHow I Save Money on a Low Income

Source: http://voices.yahoo.com/how-save-money-low-income-7693346.html

For those people who don’t make $40,000 plus a year or even $30,000 a year, here are a few ways you can save money in this horrible economy even if your income is low.
Ok, so you don’t make a lot of money and you’ve done all the usual recommendations to try and save money. It’s time to think outside the box and put your thinking caps on.

Here are three sure ways to help you save money even with a low income: (more…)

9 tips for saving money on a ski vacation

skiingtips9 tips for saving money on a ski vacation

Source: http://www.gadling.com/2010/02/10/9-tips-for-saving-money-on-a-ski-vacation/

Ski vacations can be expensive. Once you add up airline tickets, vehicle rental, lodging, lift tickets, food, lessons, equipment rental, baggage fees, apres-ski, and tips for instructors, you might just think you’ve made a down payment on a house or a new car. Despite all these costs, however, savvy skiers and snowboarders can save money on their next ski trip.

As a ski industry insider, people often ask me how they can save money on their next ski vacation. These are the most frequent cost-effective tips I share. (more…)

10 Ways to Save Money as a Single Parent

singleparents10 Ways to Save Money as a Single Parent






Source: http://au.pfinance.yahoo.com/compare/savings/article/-/15857496/10-ways-to-save-money-as-a-single-parent/

1. Check with Centrelink
Centrelink has a variety of options to help. The most commonly known one is the parenting pension, but there is also rent assistance, Family Tax Benefit A and B, Carers Allowance if you have children who need extra care or treatment such as speech therapy etc. Also, with your health care card you can get car registration reduced, electricity/gas/phone discounts as well as travel discounts. Ask everywhere if you get a discount. (more…)

15 Ways to Save Money When You're Shopping

shoppingsaving15 Ways to Save Money When You’re Shopping




Source: http://teenadvice.about.com/od/entertainment/a/ways_to_save_money_when_youre_shopping.htm


There’s the stuff you need. Then there’s the stuff you want. And then there’s the stuff you didn’t even know you wanted, but you’re out killing time at the mall with your friends, and now you’re surrounded by cool-looking stuff and you’re in grave danger of blowing your monthly budget on something you could probably live without. Put your credit card back in its holster, folks. I’m here to help. (more…)

30 Money Saving Tips for Senior Citizens

Senior-Citizens-Fiscal-Cliff-Deal30 Money Saving Tips for Senior Citizens




Source: http://www.seniormoneymemos.com/2011/12/15/30-money-saving-tips-for-senior-citizens/

Look For Senior Discounts

1. Don’t be afraid to ask for senior discounts for airline, bus, train, boat and other fares. Check online on the transport website for discounts. (more…)

5 Ways to Save on School Supplies

schoolsupplies5 Ways to Save on School Supplies

Source: http://www.realsimple.com/work-life/money/saving/save-school-supplies-00000000000367/

-Take advantage of tax-free weekends. Ten states offer this shopping perk: During one weekend in August, back-to-school items, like backpacks and footwear, are tax-free. (For a list of participating locales, go to taxadmin.org.) (more…)

Money-Saving Tips for Runners

runnersMoney-Saving Tips for Runners




Source: http://completerunning.com/archives/2007/05/17/money-saving-tips/

Posted by Thomas Filed Under: Running Tips

running tipsIt has been said more than once that running is a cheap sport. However, when adding up the money I spend on it over a year, I’m not sure I agree. As with everything you do, there are plenty of ways to spend your money. If you want to run along at a budget, try a few of those things: (more…)

10 Tips for Early Retirement Planning

retirement10 Tips for Early Retirement Planning

Source: http://money.usnews.com/money/blogs/the-smarter-mutual-fund-investor/2012/12/04/7-must-do-tips-for-retirement-saving

Early retirement is a dream for many. The thought of being done with the workforce years ahead of your peers is a satisfying one. Here are 10 retirement planning tips that can help you throw in the towel early:


1. Make a plan
Map out your path to early retirement. Even if you do not make a great deal of money right now, it is important to figure out what you need to do to reach early retirement. (more…)

Money Saving Ideas For Restaurants

restaurantsMoney Saving Ideas For Restaurants

Source: http://www.shiftnote.com/money-saving-ideas-for-restaurants/

Saving money has to be at the top of everyone’s todo list! And when you’re running a business, it’s especially important to run as efficiently as possible and save costs wherever you can so that you can maximize profits. However when you’re trying to please customers and employees a like, sometimes it’s hard to find ways to cut costs. Therefore I asked around the ShiftNote team, all of whom worked in the industry at some point in their lives, for money saving ideas for restaurants. I think we came up with a pretty helpful list!


Cross Train Your Employees
Cross training is a great way to not only save money, but help create happier employees. Cross training is the practice of teaching an employee to work more than one position within your business. For example, teaching a server to also host, or a busser to cook pizzas. This will give the management more flexibility when scheduling workers, and help employees overcome boredom and gain new skills. (more…)