
Money Saving Ideas for Dining Out

eatingoutMoney Saving Ideas for Dining Out

Source: http://www.womansday.com/life/saving-money/money-saving-ideas-for-dining-out-76794

Trying to cut down on household expenses this month? Dining out can take its toll on your wallet, so it’s likely that going out to eat isn’t at the top of your agenda. While cooking at home will save you money in the long run, it’s OK to treat yourself to a chef-prepared meal. Here are some great money saving ideas for dining out on a budget.

Order appetizers as a meal
Many restaurants serve up generous portions of appetizers and salads. These easily can be eaten as a main course, so don’t be afraid to choose from the “starters” menu if you see something you like. These items are usually priced much lower than entrees. Add a small house salad to make a complete meal. (more…)

10 Easy Ways to Save Money Eating Out

eatout10 Easy Ways to Save Money Eating Out

Source: http://money.usnews.com/money/blogs/my-money/2013/02/14/10-easy-ways-to-save-money-eating-out

Dining out is still considered by many one of life’s luxuries: no prep-time, no dirty dishes to clean up, and no menu to plan. Unfortunately, it can also be a vacuum for your monthly food budget. While the restaurant industry continues to feel the effects of less-disposable income among consumers, this puts you in the driver’s seat as they try to gain new customers via promotional techniques. Here are 10 ways to use their promotional avenues to save money on your next meal out: (more…)

How to Save Money Eating Out

f446844eaeed587b_dining.previewHow to Save Money Eating Out

Source: http://billcutterz.com/blog/2013/08/how-to-save-money-eating-out/

Coupons & Discounts
Eating at an expensive restaurant doesn’t have to be so expensive. There are heaps of websites that offer tons of great coupons. Using sites like Groupon.com and DealCatcher.com you can find tons of coupons for your favorite eatery. At Restaurant.com and CouponMom.com you can buy a $25 gift certificate for around $10, and sometimes even less. (more…)

5 Ways to Save Money When You Eat Out

images (100)5 Ways to Save Money When You Eat Out

Source: http://www.dailyfinance.com/2013/07/09/save-money-dining-out-restaurants/

One reason why so many people resist making a household budget is that they think they’ll have to give up on simple pleasures like going to restaurants. But the better, more realistic approach is to let yourself spend some money on things like eating out while doing what you can to get the best value. That way, as the saying goes, you can have your cake and eat it too.

Here are some easy ways you can make your eating-out dollars go further — simple tips to help you cut your dining bill while still providing the experience you crave. (more…)

13 Tips for Saving Money When Dining Out

images (65)13 Tips for Saving Money When Dining Out

Source: http://www.quickenloans.com/blog/13-tips-saving-money-dining

Food is the best. If I had to make a list of all of the things in the world that are the best, food would be right at the top. I like to cook, but I also enjoy dining out from time to time. Dining out too often can get expensive, though. Which is why I’ve come up with the Ultimate Money Saving Guide to Dining Out™. Feast your eyes on these 13 dining out tips and then go feast at a restaurant with your friends and family without breaking your wallet.