6 Smart Money Saving Tips For Young Employees

download (36)6 Smart Money Saving Tips For Young Employees

Source: http://ezinearticles.com/1342399

Many young urban professionals (yuppies) are having difficulties in saving money. This is quite understandable. First, starting employees don’t have managerial salaries. They have to prove themselves first before earning big bucks. Second, some yuppies are family bread winners. Lastly, after spending some time in the university, acquiring purchasing powers gives a strong sense of accomplishment. However, it is hard to predict when unexpected circumstances will occur. Economic crisis might force companies to close down. Certain diseases might also strike a family member. Therefore, it is better to be ready than be sorry afterwards. Follow this money saving tips and see your savings grow! (more…)

Saving tips for first-time employees

images (82)Saving tips for first-time employees






Source: http://www.businessdailyafrica.com/Saving+tips+for+first+time+employees/-/1248928/1874232/-/3p7ri1/-/index.html

Soon after Alex Kibunja secured his first job after college, he moved in with his married sister to save on costs.

His salary of Sh12,000 at the time was not enough to offer him the life he wanted right away.

He first needed to save up and buy furniture and other household effects before he could rent a house of his own.

While at his sister’s house, Alex made a monthly contribution of Sh5,000 towards expenses in the household. He felt it necessary to contribute since his sister and her husband provided him with everything else and also because he was able to save a little since he was not paying rent. (more…)

Money Saving Tips for Employees

Money-Saving-Tricks-That-Work_full_article_vertical-resized-600Money Saving Tips for Employees

Source: http://yobucko.com/saving/5-savings-tips-for-new-employees

You’re starting a new job. Perhaps it’s your first full-time job or maybe you’ve been working for a while. It may feel like there are many demands on your income: rent, credit card debt, student loans, or car payments. Although it’s important to save for these short-term goals, make sure to save for your long-term goals as well. If you start saving now, the money will have years to grow and you’ll have a better chance of being able to do all the things you want to do in the future. Plus, by starting early, you will need to save a lot less later on. Here are some savings tips for new employees. (more…)