Practical Savings Tips for Every Day Saving Print Page

everydayPractical Savings Tips for Every Day Saving Print Page


-Try take-out once a month instead of dining out.
-Rent a video instead of going to the movies. If you really want to go to the movies, go to the less expensive afternoon “matinee.”
-Or better yet, go to your local library and borrow books, CDs, videos, and read the latest magazines and newspapers. (more…)

Everyday money saving tips

monesavesEveryday money saving tips


At the beginning of 2013, a McCrindle Research study showed that the rising cost of living was the number one concern for Gen Ys, Gen Xers, and the Baby Boomer Generation across the nation. Four months into the year, a new survey reveals that this is still the front of mind issue for Australians.

What are some ways that you and your family can save your hard-earned money? Through our qualitative analysis, hundreds of Australians wrote to us on the tips and trick they use to save money by changing the way they do food and grocery bills, reduce energy costs, and alter their lifestyle habits. (more…)

25 Tips to Save Money in Your Daily Life

moneysavingtipsforeverydaylife25 Tips to Save Money in Your Daily Life


Looking for more ways to trim a few bucks from your budget? Check out these 25 tips that will help you save money in your daily life.

1: Budget! This is the cornerstone of all savvy financial planning. Use these worksheets to guide your spending and saving habits. (more…)

25 Solid-Gold Ways to Save

download (18)25 Solid-Gold Ways to Save


Buy the Smaller Package
Yep, you read that right. Some supermarkets and drugstores charge more per unit for the supersize product. At my grocery store, the price for a 200-ounce bottle of Tide worked out to $3.71 a quart; the 100-ounce bottle, $3.52. Ocean Spray cranberry juice cocktail cost $2.66 a quart in the larger size, $2.29 in the smaller size. (more…)