5 Money Saving Tips for the Holidays

save-money-holidays5 Money Saving Tips for the Holidays

Source: http://www.parenting.com/article/money-saving-holiday-season

Cost-saving tips that can help you avoid financial stress this holiday season

“There’s so much excitement, you can really go completely overboard” during the holidays, says “The Debt Diva” Clarky Davis, money-saving expert for CareOne Credit Counseling, who has appeared on MSNBC and Fox News. Pair that truth with a frosty economic climate, and many families are left facing a humbugged holiday season. But fear not. Here are five ideas that can make your year-end festivities less expensive yet perhaps even more meaningful. (more…)

Money Saving Tips for Halloween

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Source: http://homeparents.about.com/cs/halloween/a/moneyhallo.htm

Well, Halloween is almost here. For me, at least, Halloween marks the beginning of the most expensive time of the year: “The Holiday Season”. But this year, I am going to try to plan ahead, and with the help of the Internet, hopefully save some money, or at least spend less than usual. I have found some great sites that might help you save money as well this Halloween.

One mistake I make almost every year is waiting until the last minute to buy costumes for my sons. You would think I would learn, but last year I ran down to the local grocery store the night before Halloween to buy my middle son’s costume. Of course, the only costumes left cost at least $20, and they were cheap plastic. Now, this year, I have already planned ahead a bit. My middle son wants to be a cowboy; he has boots a friend gave him, and I bought him a bandanna today for $1.29. So all we really need is a cowboy hat, and that shouldn’t cost too much. (I hope!) (more…)

14 Tips to Save Money on Google AdWords

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Source: http://www.powerretail.com.au/marketing/save-money-on-google-adwords/

Asking businesses about their experience using Google AdWords can elicit responses ranging from “waste of money” to “invaluable marketing tool”, with quite a few instances of “I have no idea what effect it had” in between.
While it is often promoted by Google as being an easy platform to work with, the truth is that many advertisers have had negative experiences on Google AdWords – for example, their budget might get spent too quickly, they might not have made any sales/leads or they don’t know the effect the campaign had at all.
Any subsequent decision to “never use Adwords again!” would be both naïve and damaging. Google AdWords search marketing can be an incredibly powerful tool to bring in new customers and avoiding the platform is only giving your competitors a leg up.
What’s needed is an approach to Google AdWords that guards your budget initially, allowing you to expand your campaigns as you experience positive results. Consider these cost saving ideas to keep your AdWords search campaigns profitable. (more…)

5 Money Saving Tips for Freelancers

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Source: http://workawesome.com/goals/money-saving-tips/

So, at last you have decided to dive deep into the freelance world and have already started to feel the freedom of working under yourself and further on your own schedules. Sounds thrilling! Doesn’t it? Your dream of working while seated in the local café or bookshop and drinking coffee comes true.
However, this honeymoon phase might fade out soon, and you find might yourself gazing miserably at your bank account. With these hot money saving tips, you should be alright.
Financial stress, however, is not necessarily an essential condition of freelancing. Nevertheless, financial sickness can come from freelancing if not done with proper care. You have to make a few compromises and planning if you want to step ahead and become financially fit as a freelancer. (more…)

30 Money-saving Shopping Tips

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Source: http://www.channel4.com/4homes/design-decorate/buyer-s-guides/30-ways-to-save-money-while-you-shop-08-10-06

Is the credit crunch forcing you to tighten your belt? Here’s how to shop wisely and save a packet.

1 Go Downmarket
Me, shop for my bathroom at a plumber’s warehouse? Well, yes, if you want to save money… Don’t be afraid to brazen it out and swap shiny, trendy shops for basic warehouses or DIY sheds – you’ll find much the same stuff there, but at much lower prices. (more…)

Saving tips for first-time employees

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Source: http://www.businessdailyafrica.com/Saving+tips+for+first+time+employees/-/1248928/1874232/-/3p7ri1/-/index.html

Soon after Alex Kibunja secured his first job after college, he moved in with his married sister to save on costs.

His salary of Sh12,000 at the time was not enough to offer him the life he wanted right away.

He first needed to save up and buy furniture and other household effects before he could rent a house of his own.

While at his sister’s house, Alex made a monthly contribution of Sh5,000 towards expenses in the household. He felt it necessary to contribute since his sister and her husband provided him with everything else and also because he was able to save a little since he was not paying rent. (more…)

Saving Tips for Beginners

how-are-you-saving-money2Saving Tips for Beginners

Budgets for Beginners

Source: http://ideas.thenest.com/money-advice/money-saving-tips/articles/budgets-for-beginners.aspx

Budget? You? Sure, sitting down together with a spreadsheet isn’t the sexiest way to spend a Saturday, but having one puts you two in control of your cash flow so you’re able to buy what you want. Think of it as a sort of financial foreplay (and yes, you both win in the end, wink wink!). Here’s how to start, strengthen and secure your nest egg to keep it—not to mention you—from cracking. (more…)

8 Tips for Saving Money and Covering Your Ass When Shopping Online

images (81)8 Tips for Saving Money and Covering Your Ass When Shopping Online

Source: http://www.thebachelorguy.com/8-tips-for-saving-money-and-covering-your-ass-when-shopping-online.html

“They” say the recession is in a turnaround. Which may or may not be true,depending on your individual financial situation, but whether you’re looking to get back to mass consumption, or are still searching for deals and bargains to make your dollar go further, many are doing their shopping online.

And to make sure you don’t get ripped off or spend more of your tax refund than you should, I spoke to Barry Boone, founder of CurrentCodes.com, where you can find out the latest coupon codes offered by retailers, and DealHunting.com, which gives you the info on where to find the best deals. (more…)

Money-Saving Advice for Pet Owners

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Source: http://www.womansday.com/life/saving-money/money-saving-advice-for-pet-owners-86351

Look at that that face! The moment potential pet owners lay eyes on a sweet little puppy or kitten, they’re goners. But in the rush of emotion that comes with pet adoption, few consider the long-term costs, which can be at least $400 or more annually, according to the ASPCA. The good news: It’s surprisingly easy to save money on pet care. Just follow these insider tips.

Vet Care
When deciding on a pet, choose a mixed breed that has been reared by a friend, reliable breeder or trusted shelter. “Hybrid animals tend to be hardier than purebreds, who often have hereditary diseases, or those from pet stores, who may have acquired illnesses in animal mills,” says Louise Murray, DVM, director of medicine for the ASPCA’s Bergh Memorial Animal Hospital and author of Vet Confidential: An Insider’s Guide to Protecting Your Pet’s Health. Lower costs further by adopting pets over a year old; they’ll likely have been spayed or neutered, and had shots and training. (more…)

How to Save Money on Entertainment

download (22)How to Save Money on Entertainment

Six Types of Entertainment That Won’t Break the Bank

Source: http://budgeting.about.com/od/how_to_save/a/How-to-Save-Money-On_Entertainment.htm

How can you save money on your favorite forms of entertainment? No one wants to feel like they’re missing out on life. Here are several ways to cut costs while still maintaining some space in your budget for having fun.

If You Enjoy: Movies
Instead of going to a movie theater at night, go for a daytime matinee. Eat a heavy lunch at home before you head to the movie theater so you won’t be tempted to splurge on popcorn or soda. (more…)